Frequently Asked Questions




What length should my hairs be for waxing?

A minimum of around 5mm is required. Longer hair will be trimmed to 5-10mm.  

Is waxing painful?

It’s just like removing a band-aid. If you are a wax virgin then you may find it slightly more uncomfortable at first. The more waxing you have the less uncomfortable it becomes. Taking pain killers one hour prior to any waxing treatment may help.

Will the hair stop growing after waxing?

Waxing makes the hair finer, but it’s not a permanent hair removal method.

How long should I wait between waxing sessions?

4 to 6 weeks is recommended to allow the hair to grow to at least 5mm.

What can I do to help prevent ingrown hairs?

Exfoliate before waxing and again 2-3 days after so that the hairs can grow freely through the skin.

Am I likely to suffer from any skin reactions?

You may get red and or blotchy skin after waxing. This normally lasts for around 2 hours but may last up to 24 hours. If you are particularly concerned about the effect waxing will have on your skin, we are able to offer a free patch test at least 24 hours to your treatment. 

Do you offer after care advice?

Your therapist will offer advice on the day of the treatment but the general advice given is as follows:

  • No hot baths or showers for 24 hours

  • No sunbeds or sun exposure for at least 24 hours

  • Wear loose clothing after treatment

  • There may be products on the market that can help to soothe the skin after waxing and we are happy to discuss this with you after your treatment

Is there anything else I should be aware of?

There are a few pre-existing conditions that you should consult your therapist about, including: 

  • Taking anti-biotics or acne medication (oral or topical)

  • Using skin thinning or peeling preparations

  • Sunburn

  • Skin disorders

  • Varicose veins


How do I care for my newly tinted lashes? 

• Avoid rubbing the eyes

• Avoid heat treatments for 24 hours

• Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, as this fades the tint

• Avoid putting your contact lenses back in for the rest of the day

• Do not apply make-up or receive any other eye treatments for at least 24 hours after your treatment

• A patch test can be arranged 24 hours before your treatment

Guinot Facials

What products do you use in your salon for facials?

We use a professional range called Guinot. We have used this range for over 13 years and clients have achieved their desired results.

I’m not sure on which facial to have - How will I know which one will suit my skin type? 

When you arrive for a facial, your therapist will assist you to determine which facial would be best suited to your particular skin type and for your desired results.

I already have wrinkles, is skincare really going to reduce them?

A combination of a rigorous homecare program of active anti-ageing products and frequent visits to a professional Beauty Therapist for more intensive treatments, will help to soften existing lines and minimise the progression of ageing skin.  It is never too late to start using skincare. 

My skin is very sensitive and I react to everything I use - what can I do?

Your Beauty Therapist will help you determine what it is you are allergic to and can advise you on a simple skincare routine to settle your skin. Guinot products and treatments are suitable for all skin types with a specific sensitive skin range.  

At what age should I start using skincare?

A basic skincare routine of Cleansing, Toning and Moisturising prescribed for your skin type by a professional Beauty Therapist can be started as early as 13.

What is the difference between professional skincare you can purchase at a beauty salon or a range you buy over the counter?

Professional skincare ranges are full of very active ingredients that stimulate and enhance the skin. 

Our therapists are professionally trained in the Guinot skin care range and would be happy to prescribe a routine that suits your particular skin type and specific needs.

What 5 products are essential in a beauty regime?

  • Cleanser – to remove make up, grime and impurities.

  • Exfoliant – to remove dead cells from your skin and give luster to your skin.

  • Toner – to remove the excess cleanser or residue and to allow the proper absorption of a moisturiser while restoring the pH levels of the skin.

  • Moisturiser – to protect the skin against the damaging effects of the environment and to replace lost moisture from throughout the day.

  • Sunscreen - to protect the skin from the effects of the sun and early ageing.


What can I expect when I book a massage appointment?

On your first visit you will complete a confidential health history form, which your therapist will go over with you to determine your treatment needs and goals.

Will I need to undress for my massage?

Massage therapists are required to cover/drape you with a sheet so that they expose only the area which they are working on.  However, you do not need to expose yourself in any way that you are uncomfortable.

I bruise easily - can I still get a massage?

It is important to let your massage therapist know this at your first visit and via the Health history form provided by your therapist.  Massage therapy is not recommended for people who suffer from haemophilia.

Am I expected to talk during the massage?

If you wish to have silence, you should say so at the beginning of the treatment. The therapist may, however, require verbal information pertinent to health findings during the treatment.

After my massage, is there anything specific I should do?

After your treatment please follow the advice below in order to gain the most benefit from your Swedish body massage.

  • Increase your water intake following a massage to assist the body’s detoxification process

  • Have a suitable rest period after the treatment

  • Cut down on consumption of stimulants (ie alcohol/coffee/tea)

What are some of the benefits of massage therapy?

You may experience the following reactions. These are beneficial to your body, but some can be unpleasant and short lived. Over a period of time your reactions will diminish. The main reactions you will experience are pleasant.

  • You may feel generally sleepy or tired

  • Weepy / emotional due to the release of tension

  • Warm due to your improved circulation

  • Increase in urination due to the body releasing toxins

  • Aching and soreness in the muscles, this will be short-lived and followed by a relief from muscular tension

  • Less stressed and more relaxed

  • Improved sleep patterns


How do I care for my freshly manicured nails and hands?

  • Leave adequate time after your treatment to allow your nails to dry before leaving the salon

  • To prolong the life of your vanish wear gloves to perform any household or work related chores

  • Try and use hand cream and cuticle cream every day

  • If you wish to change your nail enamel between visits use only “acetone free” nail polish remover (as this is kinder to the nail) and remember to use a clear nail enamel/base coat before any colour to prevent yellowing on the nail

  • Apply a top coat to protect, prolong and help prevent chipping the polish


How do I care for my newly manicured toes and feet?

  • Leave adequate time after your treatment to allow your toenails to dry before leaving the salon

  • Wear open toe shoes if possible

  • Where possible use a pumice stone in between appointments to avoid the build up of callus

  • To remove polish use a non acetone nail polish remover as this is kinder to the toenail

  • Use a base coat to avoid staining the toenail

  • Moisturise feet daily to avoid roughness and dryness

  • Exfoliate weekly to avoid dryness